Monday, December 29, 2003

kerjaan gak dibuat.... busyet....

try Winamp 5...
good but it's suck, too much cpu consuming, my cpu almost crash grrrrrr.....
modern skin's ok but overall i still like winamp 2.91 it's the best winamp version (i think)

see iPod page
to expensive for now... but it's cool mp3 player. kapan yah bisa kebeli tuh iPod...

let's work again (ctarrrr...)

 Friday, December 19, 2003

- Work in module Content Manager (create navigation in web template)
- Still read some boring news
- Jilid sampul buku yang udah dibeli pagi tadi

Not yet finished my dictate (chapter 5 inheritance) and the lab module for tomorrow
I hope this night it will be completed or it will not? :(

Hmmm i should try to find job in jobsdb, but i'm too lazy to fill the form...
next time maybe... (when?)

 Thursday, December 18, 2003

Ahhh akhirnya gue punya juga blog....

Hari ini progress kerjaan rada lumayan... hmmm
sempet gak yah ke gramed?

Topik internet yg dibaca hari ini:
- Trans Siberian
- Fatwa MUI soal Bunga Bank, Menarik...
- etc